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    Upgrade Your Office Space with Privacy Window Film

    Upgrade Your Office Space with Privacy Window Film

    These days, office spaces are being designed to foster a more collaborative environment. Instead of the traditional cubicle or closed office, open floorplan designs are rising in popularity, and designers are opting for glass instead of conventional walls.

    This type of setup often makes it easier for co-workers to share ideas and know when their colleagues are available or not. However, sometimes you need just a little privacy to work at your best.

    To maintain a sense of personal space without sacrificing a collaborative environment, many office fit-outs are starting to include frosted window film on glass partitions throughout the office.   

    Benefits of privacy window film

    The whole idea of a co-working space started as a very positive idea. However, over time people realized that they still need a sense of privacy if they want to be fully engaged in their work. When you install frosted privacy film in any of your office spaces, you can expect the following benefits:

    • Increase privacy without losing light—the problem with traditional office space is that it automatically reduces light throughout the office. Glass partitions allow light to travel throughout the space, and your privacy film will still let the light shine through.
    • Create a professional aesthetic—aside from the privacy aspect, frosted window film has a decorative element that enhances the overall look of your office space.
    • Increased productivity—when you have a greater sense of privacy, it’s much easier to focus on the task at hand. It also lessens the chance of you becoming distracted by colleagues.

    Where to get a free estimate 

    If you’re looking for improved privacy in your Melbourne office, look no further than Eclipse Tint. We have the perfect solution whether you’re looking for decorative or privacy film in your commercial space. 

    Contact us for a free quote today and be on your way to designing the office of your dreams!