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    How to Prevent Fading for Timber Flooring

    How to Prevent Fading for Timber Flooring

    Why protecting your wooden floor is important?

    We must all agree that sunlight beaming through your windows onto a hardwood floor is one of the most comforting and homely sights there are. The unfortunate problem with this is that the sunlight, and the radiation that comes with it, is very damaging for the wood. The hardwood floor in your home or office is a centrepiece of the environment, often deciding the whole feel of the room. This is why so many people are deciding to invest in protecting their homes and offices from these preventable issues.


    Did you know that Australian wood has a moisture content often up to 20%? This leaves a large percentage for timber warping if your floors are left unprotected. We have some of the strongest direct sun rays in the world due to the hole in the ozone layer above Australia, this phenomenon will dramatically heat your timber floorboards causing them to lose their excess moisture into the air and therefore shrink, often producing large cracks between the boards and uneven finishing lines.

    Image Description: There has been a round rug on the floor for three years; you can see the damage the solar energy had caused to the flooring during that time.


    Have you ever moved a piece of furniture or a carpet to see the un-deteriorated, almost new-looking and originally coloured floorboards? Just like our skin, your wooden floors are very photosensitive, which means they will react heavily to sunlight. The floorboards are sensitive to overexposure of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet, visible and infrared lights causing them to fade, bleach and sometimes even darken, leaving an undesired discolouring on different areas of the floor.

    What can you do about it?

    Deterioration of your interior space is avoidable. One way to protect it would be to have no windows at all – but then who wants their room to feel like a dungeon?
    Did you know that our window tint blocks 99.9% of all damaging ultraviolet light while reducing the less harmful visible and infrared lights? The tint works by refracting the harmful, damaging lights while still allowing the more beneficial light to pass through, maximising the natural light into your space, and ultimately protecting your home or office.

    The best part of it all?
    Our window tints come with a lifetime warranty, meaning you will enjoy a lifetime of protection.

    When your timber flooring has passed the point of protection and unfortunately will be in need of restoration or replacement, please contact our trusted timber flooring specialists at Suburban Flooring Co, they can help you achieve the architectural goals you envision, with their fine selection of engineered hardwood timber and hybrid range your home will have usability and quality with each step.

    Mention EclipseTint for a complimentary consultation with one of the Suburban Flooring Co Experts.

    Contact Eclipse Tint, Melbourne’s window tinting experts, for a free quote and consultation.